Harriet tubman
Monument – Life bronze sculpture
Dimensions: 5’7″ x 7′ x 4′
Location: Clinton Library Little Rock, AK and 4 other placements
Harriet Tubman
Leading a way to freedom
“If you are tired, keep going; if you are scared, keep going; if you are hungry, keep going; if you want to taste freedom, keep going.”
Twenty Years Ago when I sculpted Harriet Tubman the only reference photo I found of Harriet was in a children’s history book. Every 3rd grader learns of her life story and the underground railroad to freedom. I captured her story in sculpture with perpetual movement, Harriet Tubman clutching the hand of a young boy in their flight to freedom. Harriet is often called the Moses of her people. I sculpted a staff in Harriet’s other hand as a walking stick as a symbol for leading her people to freedom. The momentum and stride reflect her strength and conviction to Harriet’s lifelong cause.