November, 2017
I respond to an call for a Women’s Rights Monument for placement in Central Park in New York City
March, 2018
I fly to NY to present my Women’s Right’s Monument Every Word We Utter
June 29, 2018
Every Word We Utter is not chosen for Central Park.
July 19, 2018
The National Women’s Party makes contact on Twitter
August 18, 2018
Fly to DC to explore possible sites, meet with the National Women’s Party and donate the Every Wrod We Utter sculpture to the Belmont-Paul Women’s Equality National Monument Museum.
August 24, 2018
Discover the Commemorative Works Act. Meet with the National Park Service and learn
- we need a Congressional Sponsor to get a law passed
- a memorial design can go to a specific artist (me) and does not have to go through the RFP process.
September 16, 2018
First article in the local newspaper about the project to place a Women’s Monument in Washington DC
September 27, 2018
First news segment on CBS 4 Denver to promote the project to place a Women’s Monument in Washington DC
Colorado Artist Creates Women’s
Rights Sculpture, Plans
For Monument
Oct 2, 2018
Jane Kyle Jody return to Washington DC to visit with all the US Senators and Representatives seeking a Congressional Sponsor for our Bill to authorize a women’s monument in Washington DC
October 30 2018
Colorado Representative Polis (now Governor Polis) introduces the first bill authorizing the Nation Women’s Monument in Washington DC in the last months of the 115th Congress.
We begin the outreach to LWV, AAUW and the National Women’s Party
January 10 2019
On January 10 2019 Congressman Joe Neguse and the entire Colorado Delegation sponsor and reintroduce HR 473, the Bill authorizing the Women’s Suffrage National Monument in Washington DC, to the 116th Congress.
On January 10, 1878, Senator Aaron Sargent of California introduced a resolution to the 47th Congress for an amendment to the Constitution to provide for woman suffrage: “The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.”
January 11, 2019
May 18 2019
Congressman Neguse press release
Be in Touch
DeDecker Studio
1503 West 8th Street
Loveland, Colorado 80537
970 663-5727